Tuesday 14 February 2012

Tales From A Playfully Dark World

I'm going to let you in on a little secret: The Crow Toes Quarterly Staff is real. I know this because they lived in my head for four years. Even now when I close my eyes and think about them, I see them as plain as day. I see the Narrator sitting in his office, only his forehead and eyebrows visible from behind the 8.5 by 11 piece of paper (which I assume is a submission of some sort) he's holding up in front of his face. I see Poinsettia Park taking notes from the recording of an interview she had done earlier in the day. I see Ogilvy the Lackey struggling to get the new jug of water onto the water cooler. And I see our Staff Villain with his feet up on his desk looking up at his collection of pencils stuck into the ceiling...

One of my favourite parts of publishing Crow Toes Quarterly was writing The Narrator's Blog, which I tried to contribute to weekly. When I shut the magazine down in early 2011, I had compiled more that 90 stories and "little happenings", which had all taken place in the world of the Crow Toes Quarterly Narrator, Ogilvy the Lackey, our Staff Villain and our intrepid reporter Poinsettia Park.

I loved making the world of the magazine as fantastical as the worlds of the stories that went into the magazine. I loved sharing some of the geeky technical sides of publishing (which I adore) in a semi fictional (far more entertaining) manner. And I loved seeing just how outrageous and scary I could get. As you may or may not know, I ended the blog with a personal letter from me...but I always felt there should've been a post before that by the Narrator that brought the fictional story of Crow Toes Quarterly to a tidy end.

Well, now I get to share with you the "REAL" ending to Crow Toes Quarterly in the eBook CROW TOES QUARTERLY: TALES FROM A PLAYFULLY DARK WORLD, which is available on iTunes and through SMASHWORDS. It is an epic foray into the dark and quirky world of publishing an arts and literature magazine for children. Even if you were a fan of The Narrator's Blog when it was live on the Interwebs, you will still love this book. Think of it as the SPECIAL DIRECTOR'S CUT OF THE NARRATOR'S BLOG with a never-before-seen (or read) alternate ending.

As the Narrator liked to say, "Read always and always enjoy!"

Buy Crow Toes Quarterly: Tales From a Playfully Dark World or read a sample HERE.